We happy to announce a new release of TipTicker.

Release is out.

Features added:

  • NEW: Ability to play sounds. You are now able to trigger the playback of sounds on incoming events (like tips etc.)
  • NEW: Start TipTicker at Windows startup
  • NEW: Start TipTicker minmized
  • NEW: Minimize to System Tray
  • NEW: Automatically connect to your Chaturbate room at startup of TipTicker

Changed Features:

  • CHANGED: Now it is possible to Change a Picture in the Image list and to change all attributes
  • CHANGED: Possibility to mass-change the attributes of selected Images (e.g. Opacity)
  • CHANGED: Preview of Images and Sounds
  • CHANGED: Change the port number to connect your broadcasting system with TipTicker
  • CHANGED: Now Pictures and animations can show up multiple times, even if events (e.g. Tips) come in rapidly

Bugs fixed:

  • FIXED: Timing of tip messages interfered with timing of events and pictures; now these timings are completely separated
  • FIXED: Under some circumstances it could happen that one picture wiped off another picture; fixed
  • FIXED: Included the newest changes in the Chaturbate Chat data


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