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TipTicker FAQ / Documentation

Read all basic information regarding TipTicker.


What is TipTicker?

Where can I get TipTicker

You can download TipTicker only from our site. To get to the download section just click on the button below.…

You can download TipTicker only from our site. To get to the download section just click on the button below.

Download TipTicker


Posted 4 years agoby webmaster

What is TipTicker not?

TipTicker is not: an affiliate program depending on external servers and services collecting data about the users and guests

TipTicker is not:

  • an affiliate program
  • depending on external servers and services
  • collecting data about the users and guests


Posted 4 years agoby webmaster

What is TipTicker

TipTicker is the application to show responses on incoming tokens tips from chaturbate guests. This responses are merged into your…

TipTicker is the application to show responses on incoming tokens tips from chaturbate guests. 

This responses are merged into your camera stream using streaming software like 


These responses can be images, sounds, effects, animations, texts and any combination of these objects.

Any response is fired by events, based on incoming token tips.



Posted 4 years agoby webmaster

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