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Get TelePrompter for Chaturbate chat!

2020 05 29 17 55 56 Win10 eng Software Installiert Running Oracle VM VirtualBox


With this neat application you are able to view your incoming chat messages (including Private Messages, Tip Messages and Purchase Messages) as an overlay in OBS (or any other streaming software). 


  • Displays your chat messages from your Chaturbate broadcast
  • Supports transparency with click-through capabilities
  • Set color codes for different message types
  • Displays the gender on most messages
  • Displays emotes and animated gifs
  • Receives Chat, PM, Purchase, Tip
  • Supports always on top
  • No additional bandwidth consumption
  • Connects to our Chrome Extension
  • Totally Free, no additional costs

Download from our Downloads section now and start reading your chat while using OBS in full screen mode.


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