We are proud to announce our latest TipTicker release!

Version is out!

Over the last months we were quiet with new versions and releases of our tools. That was because we did some major changes under the hood of Tipticker. We added masses of new features, worked on the stability, made it easier to use and included many features which our customers requested. Thanks for that massive input.

Following features were added:

  1. Connecting to your alias using a Chrome Extension
  2. Statistics menu with many informations regarding recieved tips, tokens, users online and purchases
  3. Teleprompter, a screen which help you to read the messages coming in via chat, pm, tip note, purchase information
  4. Multingual support; now you can select between English, Spanish and German (other languages are in work ...)
  5. Studios and CamModels with many aliases can now use floating licenses, which greatly saves costs.
  6. Many more detail messages in the logging system
  7. Defining standard settings via program options
  8. Control of Teleprompter through Teleprompter options
  9. In Design Options you are now able to react on Room Entry, Room Leave and limit the events to User Names, User Roles (depending on Fan, Mod Tip amount) and date ranges
  10. In Edit Images you are now able to copy an image, you have an preview and it is much easier to set the properties according your wishes.
  11. Help system. We provide now up-to-date help for all topics around TipTicker. All this information is maintained here online on this site.

We made TipTicker more stable, reliable and robust. It should now work on any language environment and any country setting. 

Download now from our Downloads section!

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